Welcome to KonSULT, the Knowledgebase on Sustainable Urban Land use and Transport.
KonSULT is designed to help policy makers, professionals and interest groups to understand the challenges of achieving sustainability in urban transport, and to identify appropriate policy measures and packages. It also provides detailed information on individual policy measures which will be of relevance to professionals, researchers and students.
KonSULT’s mission is
- to help cities quickly to identify policy measures and packages which may be of assistance in meeting their objectives, using the Measure Option Generator
- to provide more detail on the suggested policy measures (or “instruments”) using the Policy Guidebook; and
- to outline the process of developing sustainable urban transport strategies, and the concepts employed in the Measure Option Generator and Policy Guidebook, through the Decision-Makers' Guidebook
In developing KonSULT, we aim to contribute significantly to the effective development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and hence to the achievement internationally of urban transport policy objectives of reduced congestion, an enhanced environment, greater safety, better access, fairer opportunities, improved quality of life and increased sustainability.
The development of KonSULT has been supported financially by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the UK Department for Transport, the European Commission and the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund. The current version, with its upgraded website, expanded policy guidebook and enhanced option generation facilities, was supported under the CH4LLENGE project financed by the European Commission through EASME. We are grateful for the support of all of these organisations. However, we take full responsibility for the content of the knowledgebase (see disclaimer in page footer).
To find out more, see What is KonSULT?